
Не зарегистрирован
ссылка на сообщение  Отправлено: 21.12.05 14:32. Заголовок: Billy Corgan о своих песнях

Здесь мне хотнлось бы привести примеры и переводы некоторых песен Билли. Бывает свободное время на работе, так стоит его потратить с пользой дляя всех нас)))

О песне 33.
"Простая песня немного что-то вней есть от стиля коунтри. 'Тридцать три' была первая песня, которую я написал, когда я вернулся домой после тура в поддержку siamese я как в моем новом доме впервые, и эта песня передает все мои чувтсва связанные с новосельем. это.

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Ответов - 16 [только новые]

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ссылка на сообщение  Отправлено: 21.12.05 14:44. Заголовок: о песне tonight, tonight

Шла как раз середина тоу па в поддержку siamese dream. В чикагской студии мы записали песню tonight tonight, в которйо мы воплотили наши новые взгляды на музыку вообще. Я никогда не думал, что эта пенся станет большим хитом для нас".

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ссылка на сообщение  Отправлено: 21.12.05 14:52. Заголовок: о песне 1979

Наиболее часто задаваемый вопрос о песне 1979 был касательно звука второго плана "туру-туру.рурум". Мы долго добивались такого звука. А потом взяли этот звук как всю идею для этой песни. Очень много экспериментировали с электроникой. И плучилось как видите очень здорово. Эта песня одна из самых моих любимых "с меланхолии и бесконечной печали"

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ссылка на сообщение  Отправлено: 21.12.05 15:09. Заголовок: airplane flies high

Небольшо отрывок данной песни я случайно услышал спустя некоторое время на "pastichio medley" . Изначально песня предназначалась для альбома "Мellon collie..." по причине того ,ч то продюсеру Флуду она совершенно не понраилась из-за её "тяжелого звучания". Слова к песне написал мой друг. Саму песню я написал не сразу. возвращаясь к ней снов аи снова. И только закончив её, я понял что она мне очень нравится.

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ссылка на сообщение  Отправлено: 21.12.05 15:18. Заголовок: STRAYZ

Это - только одна из тех вещей, которые мы сделали очень хорошо и каждый из нас должен полюбить эту псеню.. Эта песня подобно душевному мятежу. Подобному возвышенности чувтсв человека. Грустная, мелодичная с глубоким смыслом и содержанием. Именно она заканчивает мой сольный альбом.

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ссылка на сообщение  Отправлено: 21.12.05 15:24. Заголовок: О ПЕСНЕ TONIGHT REPRISE

Пепвоначально песня была задумана мною, как послнсловие к альбому
melloncolieand.... / Я только, что возвратился с проигранного баскетбольного матча чикагских быков против orlando magic, с финальных игр nba. Я был очень-очень подавлен поражением моих кумиров. Мой голос очень охрип от криков на тадионе. Так вот все и поизошло..

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ссылка на сообщение  Отправлено: 21.12.05 15:33. Заголовок: MINA LOY (MOH)

Сначала я не был уверен относительно моей лирики "Мине Лой", потому что я чувствовал, что я возвращался к одной из моих старых тем - гнева. Все же это выражало мое общее настроение паранойи. Я живу в Чикаго, и я люблю мой город так - я так же как и люблю эту жнщину. Эта песня о том, чтов любой момент кто-то "какая-то угрозу" подобно терроризму или атомной бомбе. может разрушит все столь дорогое существенное для меня.

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ссылка на сообщение  Отправлено: 21.12.05 15:40. Заголовок: Re:

Ну вот не знаю... конечно перевод может и не совпадать... Некогда хорошее знание АНГЛИЙСКОГО языка я утратил..вот теперь восстанавливаю...Хотя смысл определенно совпадает с мыслями Билли! Ладно пойду работать завтра надеюсь. продолжу .

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ссылка на сообщение  Отправлено: 21.12.05 16:07. Заголовок: Re:

Ну над адаптацией текстов в плане звучания "более по русски" конечно надо поработать.
Так переводит компьютерный переводчик, а не живой человек.
Но за попытку и старание всё равно мерси.

I'm your lover
I'm your zero
I'm a face
In your dreams of glass
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aka Макс Dawncat

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ссылка на сообщение  Отправлено: 21.12.05 16:41. Заголовок: Re:


А где ты нашел оригинал этих откровений? Мы могли бы тебе помочь с переводом.

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ссылка на сообщение  Отправлено: 22.12.05 17:20. Заголовок: Re:

Andy пишет:
Ну над адаптацией текстов в плане звучания "более по русски" конечно надо поработать.

Понятно, что надо работать, инет только на работе то там отвлнкут, то еще где-то...в общем отвлекаешься теряешь смысл... Хотя главная задача всего этого передать основное мнение Билли по поводу его песен... хотя бы вкратце... так сказать... а там уж самим додумаиь можно.... Оригиналы скачивал..с различных сатов о згьзлшты, которые находил в YAHOO.

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ссылка на сообщение  Отправлено: 22.12.05 18:39. Заголовок: BELIEVE

"This was another song recorded the day after the music for the album was done. It's supposed to be an uplifting song, but it had this undercurrent of longing, depression, sadness, etc....The opening guitar was played on a Gibson J-100XTRA, which has got this great, wide-open sound, and there's a clean electric guitar doubling it but mixed way back to give a chorusing 'sparkle.' There are also two bass guitar tracks on most of the song, played on a weird Epiphone bass that I bought for a hundred dollars at a pawn shop, and which also got used a lot on Siamese Dream. On the track, one plays chords high up and the other just plays the root notes to give it some weight." -JI (Guitar World 1/97


I wrote 'The Bells' two or three years ago, and each instrument was seemingly recorded about six or seven months apart-not really on purpose, but just as a demo that kept growing. I recorded the acoustic guitars at my old apartment, and then after I moved, I recorded Eric Remschneider's cello part in my basement. Then, for this single, I had another friend, Adam Schlesinger (of Fountains of Wayne and Ivy), play piano, and then D'Arcy and I did the vocals. I like the song because it is very simple but has a twist in the time signatures-sort of in the Nick Drake style." -JI (Guitar World 1/97)

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ссылка на сообщение  Отправлено: 22.12.05 18:46. Заголовок: Re:

THE boy

"This is a New Wave song that has the power-pop Jazzmaster with a warped neck that looks cool but isn't really good to play. There's also this funny guitar-drum break in the middle of the song where I hang a chord and use the whammy bar. Flood liked this song but it just didn't fit the album." -JI (Guitar World 1/97)


written by and produced by the man himself, welcome to james. quiet and cool and whispered. this is a beautiful song. the only song we have ever done that i did not stick my nose into and i am glad i didn't. not to be confused with blue. and if you love her..."

"blew away has kerry playing drums cause jimmy was on vacation." -BC (PI liner notes)

"now this song was a toughy because i really had intended to put this on that album. but the ghosts of gish said no no no so i left it alone kinda because i really destroyed the mix. my most passive aggresive song." -BC (PI liner notes

so old yet it is kinda timeless in a strange way. i think it is because it has a dignity all it's own. we also tried to re-record this for gish, but my heart was not in it. so many mistakes but the raygun is always on if i catch my assumption. mary's always on the shoulder and the devil has his pitch fork on that backside of yours. la dolly vita, true as blue sky, cool as ice cream the b-side of our second single recorded with butch vig. we recoreded this and tristessa on the same day somewhere in the past and it was also the first day we met butch v. still one of my favorite hidden songs, this brings back many memories. sorry, a tad too personal. be careful what you say but be careful what you don't say." -BC (PI liner notes)

This is the only B-side written entirely after Mellon Collie was completed; I always seem to write a little burst of songs in the momentum of finishing an album (see 'Drown'). I thought for a while about holding this song for our next record, but in the end I decided that it was so in the spirit of Mellon Collie that it was best served as an extra track. I never intended to have a guitar solo, but my father was hanging out with me at the studio, so I asked him to play on it. Every time I hear this song, I burst with pride to hear my father's great, and very influential to me, guitar playing." -BC (Guitar World 1/97

"This is supposed to be the Mellon Collie gospel song, and a rough version even exists with all the band members singing. This version is my home demo, cut on the same morning as 'Stumbleine.'" -BC (Guitar World 1/97)

We like to call this style of our music 'Cybermetal.' 'Zero' has six rhythm guitars, with two line-in 12-string acoustics, plus those wacky Iha leads. Tracked live with overdubs added later, this is a true mover as well as the first song that was recorded for Mellon Collie, James has always said this reminds him of Judas Priest." -BC (Guitar World 1/97)

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Не зарегистрирован
ссылка на сообщение  Отправлено: 22.12.05 18:58. Заголовок: MARQUES IN SPADES

One of those songs that I wrote in 10 minutes and can't seem to shake off. I like this song a lot, and find myself humming it about the house, as it is a very rare example of actual Pumpkins humor in a song. Recorded live to a 8-track cassette, with a few acoustic 12-string overdubs just to give it a little zing. This was our second choice for a take; the better take was lost when the engineer forgot to press 'record.'" -BC (Guitar World 1/97)

One of those songs that I wrote in 10 minutes and can't seem to shake off. I like this song a lot, and find myself humming it about the house, as it is a very rare example of actual Pumpkins humor in a song. Recorded live to a 8-track cassette, with a few acoustic 12-string overdubs just to give it a little zing. This was our second choice for a take; the better take was lost when the engineer forgot to press 'record.'" -BC (Guitar World 1/97)

One of those songs that I wrote in 10 minutes and can't seem to shake off. I like this song a lot, and find myself humming it about the house, as it is a very rare example of actual Pumpkins humor in a song. Recorded live to a 8-track cassette, with a few acoustic 12-string overdubs just to give it a little zing. This was our second choice for a take; the better take was lost when the engineer forgot to press 'record.'" -BC (Guitar World 1/97)

The band never really liked this song. They were always snickering at it, but I always liked its sheer brutality. It was recorded live on my 8-track cassette recorder, on which I've done almost all my demos since before Gish." -BC (Guitar World 1/97)

"obscured is old because it was originally supposed to be on the lull e.p which was really supposed to be a single but they tricked me. written during gish recordings we have finished it and let it sit for 2 years and then it came out as the b side of today i in the uk. the darkland. so it was all my friends tapes and supposed to be on the next one but i swore i would never do it again re- record one of our own songs because it is lame to do so. 1991.what a year. such a pretty song, sunday in the park music chicagofest." -BC (PI liner notes)

"a groover from from the iha file- assembled in same said bedroom and recorded only a couple days later in kerry's studio. another demo thing that turned ugly and mean and got released. we didn't have a bass so we 'borrowed' eric from deep blue dream's- -he never knew and were sorry we didn't tell you eric but it still sounds good. i know i wrote some of these lyrics waiting for my dad to pick me up from the boredom has outshined the sun. sometimes you don't spend as much time on the lyrics- and sometimes they're better-more how you REALLY feel."

"There's this line from the song 'Rocket', 'Bleed in your own light'. I wanna fuckin' bleed in my own light, not in Kurt Cobain's, not in Perry Farrell's. I wanna go down in my own fuckin' ship. That's what I'm about." -BC (tear-out photo book)

"A home demo that I just didn't have the heart or energy to go back and record. I like the lyrics a lot, and if I had spent more time on it it probably should have been on the album. It was written in the initial post-Lollapalooza batch ('33,' 'Jupiter's Lament,' 'Methusela,' 'Ugly') of acoustically tinged songs. It has double-tracked, finger picked guitar-all the better to hide those little mistakes-with a few choice keyboard overdubs bleeding through the vocal mikes." -BC (Guitar World 1/97

recorded in me bedroom at my old apartmexnt. you can hear the 7am buses slithering by. I used to go to sleep to the flanging car noises. the hiss that we had missed. i really only wanted this to be for me. but my friend said 'i really don't think you can improve on that. so i left it be."
"a song for my babies. children of the earth and such. i wanted to put this on siamese dream but i whimped out. shoulda coulda kinda didn't but i love it anyhow, makes me cry." -BC (PI liner notes)

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ссылка на сообщение  Отправлено: 22.12.05 18:58. Заголовок: Re:

"Well, originally it was, it was 'Shiva' with an h, and that's the god of, like... destruction and- sex... and uh, then I kinda read about it and I realized that was not what I wanted for the song, I didn't want it to be identified with a specific god, it has more to do with, like, you know there's yin and yang and there's shiva and shaki, and so it's like the male aspect of Hinduism. And that's not really what the song's -about-, but... it's hard to explain." -BC (120 minutes)

"Well, originally it was, it was 'Shiva' with an h, and that's the god of, like... destruction and- sex... and uh, then I kinda read about it and I realized that was not what I wanted for the song, I didn't want it to be identified with a specific god, it has more to do with, like, you know there's yin and yang and there's shiva and shaki, and so it's like the male aspect of Hinduism. And that's not really what the song's -about-, but... it's hard to explain." -BC (120 minutes)

"my friend aneta still says to me that this song should have been on siamese dream. but back again to that no record 2x rule. this was recorded at the same time as plume, and was also intended to be a demo, but we needed b-sides for our pretty XXXXXXXXXNX worthless i am one u.k. single (the dark continent) so in a way plume and starla were their own single if that make makes any sense at all. recorded over time, or recorded at two different sessions, one for vocals and solos and one for drums, etc,.another song with lyrics written at the last second. i wrote the middle part on the back of an envelope--serve yourself no one else can do for you like you and no one else fails like me but in my eyes i i burn alive no more words just you and i high in the the sky--some of my favourite lyrics. better that i did not care solo played at 7am. listen for the police car going by."
"i met this girl in dallas when we were on tour with the chili peppa's and that was where i got the idea for the name for the song because when she said her name i thought wow, what a great title for a song. 2 1/4 years later i run into this same girl at a party and i say did you hear that song we recorded using your name, starla? and she said, no my name is darla but hey starla, darla whatever it doesn't matter, so there you go. never trust a girl who ends up with well i can't say." -BC (PI liner notes)

Even though 'Suffer' appears to be a romantic diatribe about suffering, it's actually a romantic diatribe about growing up." -BC (Jim Stapleton book)

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ссылка на сообщение  Отправлено: 23.12.05 11:11. Заголовок: Re:

Почти все оригиналы есть на

I'm your lover
I'm your zero
I'm a face
In your dreams of glass
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ссылка на сообщение  Отправлено: 26.12.05 17:39. Заголовок: Re:

да есть...оттуда и брал но здесь удобнее читать!

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